2020: The Highs & Lows (aka Your Invitation to a Better 2021)

I don't know about you, but 2020 can go take a long walk off a short pier.
The backstory... 2020 started with my attempts to distract myself from feeling dangerously raw and vulnerable. The previous year felt like a rollercoaster and I was losing trust in the world, life, people...
My mom's emergency brain surgery, glioblastoma brain cancer diagnosis, watching her learn to walk, eat, do radiation, chemo... Travel from TN to CO to TN to WY to CO to WY to TN to almost immediately leaping into 45 days of travel around the Northeastern US. I returned to Nashville exhausted (in a relatively good way) from all the touring, speaking, and performing.
Two days later, I found myself in a very unnerving situation with an online fan/stalker who was talking about mass shootings and suicide. He had a rap sheet as long as I am tall. Of course, police were involved.
So just before 2020 began, I retreated to a good friend's house to record my next album in his living room studio. We finished up just in time for the Nashville tornado to destroy his house. I huddled in my bathroom at midnight while the tornado missed my top-floor apartment by 5 blocks. It left our neighborhood and city reeling.
2 weekends later, the pandemic had us in lockdown...
and the rest is history, including last week's terrorist suicide bomber here in Nashville. The bomb blast shook my building and woke me up, 2 miles away.
There are a lot of people who had it worse than I did during 2019-2020.
Job loss. Evictions. Hunger. Hospice. Death.
So. Much. Grief.
It's not all bad though...
Some folx had a great year! Including me in a lot of ways. Honestly, lockdown felt like a relief. All I wanted to do was read books for 2 years.
Grad school seemed like a chance to give my nervous system a much-needed break. So I got accepted into the University of Wyoming's Executive MBA program. I'm now also pursuing a graduate minor in Gender & Women's Studies. (The 2020 MVP award goes to my student loans, seriously.)
If I've learned one thing in the last 2 years, it's this: The best-laid plans are flexible, easy, and sustainable.
So instead of doing my annual year-in-review and quarterly planning by myself, I'm inviting you to JOIN ME and the students of The School of Bravery for our first (annual? bi-annual?)...
Seasons of Bravery Retreat!
Saturday, January 2nd, 10 am - 2 pm CST & Sunday, January 3rd, 10 am - 2 pm CST
The goal of the weekend is to spend 2 days walking everyone through my favorite way to conduct a year-in-review deep dive and map out a foundation for planning the next year (aka an updated version of the previously released Seasons of Bravery Ritual course).
Attendees get all this stuff. Registration is $75 total and flexible payment plans are available if needed.
Please share and invite your friends who’ve mentioned their need for something like this. (Psst! If you live in a COVID-safe area for it, you might consider making it a sleepover/rent-a-hotel-room/get-away kind of situation!)
Let's punt 2020 into orbit and have a much better 2021!
If you have any questions, shoot me an email.
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