072: The Audacious Luxury of Ego and Being Bald with Ann Rousseau

Before we get into today's show, if you are listening to this episode on the Tuesday that it first goes live, then there is still time to jump in on a last minute masterclass I'm teaching on the subject of How to Use Your Fear and Get What you Want. It's free, hosted online, and there will be a replay available for those who signed up on the class list. You can go to emilyannpeterson.com/workshops to get yourself on the list.
I'm launching The School of Advanced Bravery soon and this class is just a sampling of what is in store for all of you. Everyone who is on my email list and or who attends the class will get an exclusive invitation and information. but of course, we'll also spend loads of time diving into the process of how you can use your fear to get what you want. If you've ever found yourself with a death grip on resisting change, then this is the class for you.
If you are listening to this after the masterclass, then head on over to emilyannpeterson.com/join so you can join my email list and catch the next invitations for free masterclasses coming up.
Okay! Let's get on into it today, shall we?
Filmmaker and yoga teacher Ann Hedly Rousseau is with us today! She is a mother, wife, dancer, yoga student and instructor, gardener, and lover of life who happens to have alopecia.
Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease that causes hair loss and currently has no cure (besides acceptance - that's a kind of cure!) Ann recently finished her film Mop Cap: An Alopecia Story which lays out her latest hair loss journey. It was so fascinating to hear Ann work through some of these questions about identity, ego, compensation, and image. I knew I had to have her on the Bare Naked Bravery podcast and I'm so glad it worked out.
Today we dive a little deeper into the audacious luxury of hair and being bald. We talk about the ways we show up in the world with or without our egos. We discussed the favoritism of ideal beauty and how the rest of us choose to compensate.
Ann holds a BFA in dance and choreography and had a career as a modern dancer in NYC before she moved to Appleton, Maine in 2001. Ann became an RYT in 2000 and has been teaching yoga for 19 years.
Ann is fascinated by personal stories, this is partly what makes her such a great fit for the Bare Naked Bravery community. I know that telling her own story through her documentary "Mop Cap: An Alopecia Story" has been enormously healing and I can't wait for you to hear all about it...
Brave Take-Aways
Beyond your free Bravery Bundle (which is always available at barenakedbravery.com) your Brave Take-Away from today's show is to spend an entire week asking yourself the two questions Ann mentioned regarding her choice to wear a hat or not. Except you'll ask these questions every time you're getting dressed. "Am I choosing this outfit because of my comfort? or Am I choosing this outfit for the comfort of others?" Neither answer is inherently right or wrong, but I do think that extra layer of awareness will assist in your curious discovery of the concepts she and I discussed in today's episode.
We'd love to hear all about your favorite parts of today's Bare Naked Bravery. You can find Ann Rousseau and myself on facebook, twitter, instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to.
Keep in Touch with Ann Rousseau
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners
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