077: How to Find a Powerful Voice for Advocacy with Liis Windischmann

I am so pumped for today's interview. Liis Windischmann is with us! Liis is a curvy model and a TV personality who is a massive advocate for wellness, body love, and consciously creating epic lives.
Today Liis and I are talking about Power of Choice. I knew she'd be a great person for this subject because there's no way someone would choose to advocate for anything if they didn't know how to utilize their personal power of choice. Standing up and speaking out against societal norms is a huge version of how power of choice can play out.
But Liis and I also discuss the smaller, more common versions of utilizing your power of choice. So if you're feeling a little bit boxed into a corner today or like you're being victimized in some form or fashion (even by your own self!) then today's episode is for you.
Register for this month's free masterclass here: http://emilyannpeterson.com/workshops
Iconic curvy model and prominent media & TV personality Liis Windischmann, inspires women to amplify their wellness, body love and happiness helping them consciously create epic lives. Through her creative and transformational projects, Liis brings a refreshing new consciousness to health, beauty, and wellness providing proactive, fun, easy ways to live a mindful life balancing mind, body and soul.
Her health journey with autoimmune Gluten Ataxia and Hashimoto’s has transformed her world-leading her to empower others to lead proactive lives, stop obsessing about the numbers on a scale and rock their happiness, learning to love and appreciate themselves mind, body, and soul. Her latest creation, Falling Into Zen 10 Guided Meditations Under 10 Minutes, helps people create calm and connection in their busy lives.
Brave Take-Aways
Beyond your free Bravery Bundle (available at emilyannpeterson.com/join) your Brave Take-Away from today's show is two things:
1. register for this month's free masterclass on Victim to Hero: Finding Your Bravery in Unlikely Places (http://emilyannpeterson.com/workshops)
2. go grab yourself Liis' Falling Into Zen: 10 Guided Meditations Under 10 Minutes over at http://liisonlife.com
We'd love to hear all about your favorite parts of today's Bare Naked Bravery. You can find Liis Windischmann and myself on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to.
Keep in Touch with Liis Windischmann
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners
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