079: Risky Business: Saying Yes to Rejection with the Ladies Behind Badassery Magazine

Today's episode is a first for the Bare Naked Bravery podcast! I'm stoked that we've got BOTH Samatha Parker and Kathy Rasmussen with us today! It's our first episode with more than one guest at once! Things are getting fancy over here!
A couple months ago they featured me on their Badassery podcast and I also wrote an article about how bravery can help a business owner build their bank account. I believe the article was on page 52 of their April issue. Go check it out at badasserymag.com
I really just love what they're putting out into the world and knew they would have a LOT to say on this month's topic of Risk and Rejection! Today we chat about what it means to say yes or no to something. We talk about how risk and rejection have played a part in the start of their new magazine, partnership, and business.
As always, links to all their good stuff and social media connections are in the show notes of this episode. Let's get on into it! I give you Samantha Parker and Kathy Rasmussen!
Psst! I'm on tour - go check out the travel dates and performances at http://emilyannpeterson.com/calendar
Brave Take-Aways
Beyond your free Bravery Bundle (which is always available at emilyannpeterson.com/join) your Brave Take-Away from today's show is to hop into the Bare Naked Bravery Community Facebook group to tell us all about the last time *you* risked rejection. Was it tricky? Did you have a contingency plan in place? Did you bolster your nerves before taking the risk? We want to know!
We'd love to hear all about your favorite parts of today's Bare Naked Bravery. You can find Samantha Parker, Kathy Rasmussen, Badassery Magazine and myself on facebook, twitter, Instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to.
Keep in Touch with Badassery Magazine
www.facebook.com/groups/BadassBosses and www.facebook.com/badasserymag
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners
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